Choosey Lover

“柔らかな肌きらめくgolden chain
Jewelry に妬くほど かなり禁断症状”

I've been super happy since yesterday, after knowing my dear Yunho has a new hairstyle! I am so DBSKing glad that I won't have to keep seeing his ponytail. Whooots!
さよなら, my most hated hairstyle of Yunho!

OK so today, we got our class tee! It has red collar and red sleeves, with a really cute, big-head-fied version of everybody in class. I'll try and scan it someday (WTF, you say?). Love it - it's my favourite class tee. It's good that I'll have a pretty memorabilla of our class when I grow up.
One minor regret is that the name I'm calling on the tee is not "Yunho", but “大東”...Nevermind! I'll treat it's meaning as "Bigeast"! Which is DBSK's Japanese fanclub's name.

Enough of fangirling. (Not really.)

Went to watch "Get Smart" today. DBSKing hilarious! Notable scenes/quotes includes:
  • Max expressing his happiness, thinking he's muted by the "cone of silence" (Dumb name!)
  • That humongous guy working in KAOS hugging Max and saying, "Her sister's a bitch!"
  • "Holy shit holy shit holy shit, the swordfish almost pierced right through my head."
  • Max's proudest day of his life being the day he bowed with his naked ass in front of the President
There's a lot more, though. The show's plot is fine, but some of the comedic parts are seriously stupid, but it's good that they were funny, unlike "Runaway Vacation" (no link, but I just want to say how much it sucked). Oh and, Masi Oka from "Heroes" is in this show!
Do watch it! Really good if you're very stressed out by the Prelims, which is coming in 3 days' time!


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