Day Moon ~ハルダル~~

“夢かもしれない どうでもいいよ この世界があるだけで
傷跡さえ愛しくて 深みに もう いきたがる”
- 东方神起

This week's schedule...
5/30 (五) 張鈞甯 彭于晏 鄭元暢 李國毅 百分百娛樂王
5/31 (六) 梁靜茹 百分百搶聽會
6/01 (日) 汪東城 唐禹哲 卓文萱 阿Ken 百分百娛樂王
6/02 (一) 小鬼 粉絲同樂會
6/03 (二) 蕭敬騰 LIVE
6/04 (三) 古巨基 薛凱琪 LIVE
6/05 (四) 郭靜 藝能發表會
6/06 (五) 黑澀會美眉(舊妹V.S新妹) 百分百大對抗
LOL, "舊妹V.S新妹"? Sounds like a good cat fight.

Holy Mother told us that I had to go to that Singapore Poly visit alone because Dear2 wasn't chosen (too many people). I've already decided to pon. Sorry to the organiser. -bows-
Was there some kind of "lucky draw"? If there is, WHY on freaking Earth am I chosen?! WHY? I am like, the world's suay-est normal teenager, can?! Or is this the suay part? Arggh.

Pei-ed Dear2 to AMK Hub to get her shawls and ate at Mos Burger. Tried the Yakiniku rice burger - it's quite nice, so is the Apple soda.
Went home...and that's when my boring day started.

I don't know why I'm so suay (maybe it's just my suay-magnet or that Firefox hates DBSK) but my Firefox is nuts! Freaking nuts. Sometimes the "BACK" button doesn't work, and the shittiest, most annoying thing that can happen to multi-tabs people like me, is that tabs in old sessions are combined with those in the new one! Which results in (yesterday's record was) 70+ tabs the next time I fire up Firefox. Shit it, took a hell long time to finish loading! And then I had to close those useless tabs one by one. The whole situation was worsened by video tabs - it's like a freaking market.

So, after getting home, I tried to fix the bloody problem by deciding to uninstall the whole thing. Very troublesome.
[Digression: YES! 《翻滚吧!》is done.]
Finally when I thought the nightmare was over, IT COMES BACK - the tabs problem! Nut! I hate you, Firefox!

Hope 《Honey&Clover》will be done soon. Ciao now! 娱百.

Before that.

Will such phone ever be sold in the S'pore market? It's a kind of Samsung phone, navigated by touch (Haptic). It's not exactly like iTouch, since it shakes if you shake the phone, almost human.
But anyway, the phone isn't important.

OK!《Honey&Clover》is done!


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