What is wrong with you, Micky/Micky's hairstylist?! Whoever came up with this 古裝 hairstyle needs a reality check - it's 21st century, OK?! Poor you. On the other hand, if anybody needs a lead for their upcoming 古裝劇, there's a perfect candidate for ya.

In other news...Went for my dental appointment today. Added some "tubes"(?) at the back of my mouth, which is super uncomfortable. I hope I get used to it soon. I also learned a new fact: Female doctors are rougher compared to male doctors (Pei Qi told me once that her guy doctor is really gentle). My doc, Enrica, needed consultation on what to do next and this old lady came in and jerked my mouth around. Rough sia!

After that, felt like eating waffle, so Mum and I went down to Chinatown and get it! Super nice - the shape, crispiness and the taste - everything is good! But the DBSKing chocolate somehow dripped all over the place and next thing I know, my bag and my shirt tio-ed a lot of it. <___< Ass. Messy business, eating chocolate waffle.

To be completed today...!
  • Second English Comprehension
Something is wrong with my taste buds.
And come tomorrow, I shall talk about my beloved "T" album. I'm (not really) very sorry about being so over, but I really want to do a review post. So yea, また!


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