30minutes night flight

Hello, world!

What a robotic greeting, just like those generated in the first post when you use Wordpress. Not saying that Wordpress is a sucky blog system - I love it, and swears to use it if I ever get my own domain.

OK, so random.

Anyway, last Friday was a horrible day, but it had a great, McDonald's morning - oh man I love the sausage, even though I have no idea why their sausage is flat. Seriously. It requires a lot of explanation to why the day was crappy, which I am not interested in doing, thus, ask perverted Jolene - she loves explaining this kind of thing. Lol.

I'm kinda freaked out when I heard from Sally that one of her friends got fined for downloading songs from esnips.com, obviously due to the fact that I am one of the guilty-innocents. HUH?! Don't "huh" me - I'm trying to be poetically paradoxical. Wow, I'm impressed by myself. -gets stoned- Well, what I'm wondering is, as long as the things we downloaded isn't licensed in our country, we are less likely to get caught, is it? I mean, heckloads of people get caught for downloading English songs, but what happened to otakus like me? Tell me a case whereby a Japanese aniem fanatic got sued for downloading unlicensed anime. Please. Let me fear the powers of the claws of law!!!!

OH f***, what corniness.

I am still owing mai waifu (translation: my wife) a post all about her.


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