
Showing posts from June, 2008

Crazy Life

“天空まで昇るspiralの上” ーYunho from 東方神起 Something really freaky: Teenager killed by Six Flags roller coaster . I heard it on Channel 8's news just now. Damn WTF! The news report said that the teenager “被撞斷頭”. Yuck! Today's English paper was OK, I guess. My good friend was the setter for Paper 2 and it wasn't too hard, luckily. Paper 1 was kinda annoying. It's always annoying for me. I come up with a not-bad plot and then the ending sucks big time. Sheesh. After the papers today, went studying for SS at AMK library. Freaking uncomfortable there at first, because it was so quiet we had to whisper. Saw a few PHS peeps there. The SS Ten Year series seems rather helpful - I'll read it up later? Anyway, something really freaky happened while we were studying. This disgusting fly suddenly landed on the window sill next to me. I think it thought there wasn't glass, so it stupidly flew at it's highest speed possible and WHAMMMMed into the window. I found it twitching awkwa...


I'm not supposed to be using the computer now - I'm supposed to battle the evil Social Studies textbooks and that E Maths 10-Year series...but the lure of the computer is too strong. I can give you more excuses but those are not important! What's important is (which I can't believe I forgot to talk about - must be because of Yunho's hair), we're finally FINALLY gonna be able to get The Legendary Cross (TLC) from YesAsia! -pops confetti- Now we're sure to ace our O levels man. 絶対に! Another happy thing is, I found a place which has the LIVE recording of “Kiss したまま、さよなら”! There's four other, two of which are "Love in the Ice" and "Rising Sun". DBSK is not singing along with pre-recorded BGM but with a live band ! "Rising Sun"? Live band?! Holy nut! TBS is broadcasting their "T" concert tomorrow at 8PM, our time! But I shouldn't watch it. Anyway there's no subs. I forgot to blog about this yesterday, too. Duri...

Choosey Lover

“柔らかな肌きらめくgolden chain Jewelry に妬くほど かなり禁断症状” I've been super happy since yesterday, after knowing my dear Yunho has a new hairstyle! I am so DBSKing glad that I won't have to keep seeing his ponytail. Whooots! >>>>> さよなら, my most hated hairstyle of Yunho! OK so today, we got our class tee! It has red collar and red sleeves, with a really cute, big-head-fied version of everybody in class. I'll try and scan it someday (WTF, you say?). Love it - it's my favourite class tee. It's good that I'll have a pretty memorabilla of our class when I grow up. One minor regret is that the name I'm calling on the tee is not "Yunho", but “大東”...Nevermind! I'll treat it's meaning as "Bigeast"! Which is DBSK's Japanese fanclub's name. Enough of fangirling. (Not really.) Went to watch " Get Smart " today. DBSKing hilarious! Notable scenes/quotes includes: Max expressing his happiness, thinking he's muted by the...

Rainy Night

“会いたくてoh my girl 会えない理由は 君のさよならを聞きたくなかったから” - JUNSU from 東方神起 After looking at one of my previous posts, I have this thought: I want to eat at Food Addict again! Let's go there again, Or Cair!!! In other news, PULL AND BEAR IS ON SALE! (OMG I'm getting high lately.) Does this mean that I can get my "cake top"?!?!?! -prays- Yay for DEAR2 too! She can get the black pants now...! I hope the discount's good. Anyway, I seriously shouldn't go school when it's a warm day, worse of all when it's a Wednesday. You can seriously die. What's more, SKCT is back - with more curl in her hair and a more annoying voice. Today's morning assembly is one of the worst. We had to stand for a freaking long time because: our national anthem was sung so inaudibly SKCT decided to give this super long speech it's a freaking Wednesday and meaning? School Song day that's not it though! It's St John's Brigade Day too! Holy Mama is not in school again today!...

Prelim Exam 1 Timetable!

(NEW POSTS BELOW.) 30 June 08 MONDAY English Paper 1 1H45M (0800 - 0945) English Paper 2 1H40M (1030 - 1210) 1 July 08 TUESDAY Social Studies 1H30M (0800 - 0930) E Maths Paper 1 2H (1015 - 1215) 2 July 08 WEDNESDAY E Maths Paper 2 2H30M (0800 - 1030) 3 July 08 THURSDAY A Maths Paper 1 2H (0800 - 1000) Physics Paper 1 1H (1045 - 1145) 4 July 08 FRIDAY History Elective 1H30M (1000 - 1130) 7 July 08 MONDAY Youth Day Off! 8 July 08 TUESDAY A Maths Paper 2 2H30M (0800 - 1030) Chemistry Paper 2 1H45M (1100 - 1245) 9 July 08 WEDNESDAY Geography Paper 2 1H30M (0800 - 0930) 10 July 08 THURSDAY No exams! 11 July 08 FRIDAY Geography Paper 1 1H30M(0800 - 0930) Chemistry Paper 1 1H (1015 - 1115) 12 July 08 SATURDAY Freaking cheapskate school! It's a Saturday for Christ's sake! Physics Paper 2 1H45M (0800 - 0945) SEOUL GARDEN CELEBRATION!!! ★

White Lies

娛百schedule: 6/20 (五) 林宥嘉 百分百聽證會 6/21 (六) 李妍瑾 幃幃 張芯瑜 宋新妮 林曉培歌唱大賽 6/22 (日) 蕭敬騰 百分百聽證會 6/23 (一) 蕭敬騰 粉絲同樂會 6/24 (二) 棒棒堂 范瑋琪 LIVE 6/25 (三) 古巨基 郭靜 LIVE 6/26 (四) 鴨子 張勛傑 小馬 浩角翔起 百分百娛樂王 6/27 (五) 卓文萱 唐禹哲 百分百聽證會 Whoots! Today's Jam!! And there's 浩角翔起 on Thursday. It's been eons since I've seen them. Holy Mama didn't come to school today...again!!! What happened to her man? I suppose it's work? Surely she's not sick, right? Thought we were gonna go to the Comp lab again today during her lesson, but we didn't! The whole incident was just annoying: First we heard that we have to go to the lab, but in the end we went to a classroom. Then a relief teacher came and told us we are going to the lab...only to find out that we aren't . What is this?! WHAT IS THIS!?! WHAT IS THIS!!!!! LOL Why am I getting so worked up about not going to the lab? DEAR2 is a bit nuts today. She kept hitting me. I think she's trying to work out like ChangMin. Pervee is also nuts. Ever s...


Junsu is the blur dolphin. I can't help it but watch it a few times. Is he trying to threaten Yunho's place in my heart?! No way! This makes tomorrow less sucky. Oh and the best thing of all? There's at most 6 periods of Chinese each week! Whooots!! I don't think I've ever felt so happy before a new term starts. Never ever.


Eww. School reopens tomorrow. YUCK.


Because the world sucks with Yunho losing to Jeajoong (sorry, Joongie) at AllKPop's Poll , and that school is reopening next Monday. I shall post an extremely(?) long post. Homework Chionging Session(HCS) yesterday again! I don't get the logic behind us finishing an A Maths paper faster than a E Maths', but we did. To top it off, we even did one Chemistry past year paper. I'll try to finish that Ad.SS E Maths papers today. Wish me luck...! Like every HCS, Ms Siao Kia, Pervee had to act crazy and talk crap. LOL. I pity the guy at working at F.L.Y. He "probably went to cry in the toilet". Talking about HCS, I've always wanted to mention a really baffling action of a cat during the last, last HCS. Pervee and I were walking to Mac's, then we saw this light-brown cat who actually banged into a pillar at the void deck of some HDB flat. I'm not joking - the poor cat banged. Into. A. Pillar. And he looked totally "Where the hell am I...?" after ...


"君の声に気づきもせず季節は過ぎ去り 硬く重い幕は降りたよ さよならも無くて" - L'Arc~En~Ciel ShitNet sucks. Really. It's raining and the connection's cracked up again . And adding insult to injury, my tabs sessions thing is crazy again ! I can't watch my videos since it's taking eons to load. It's annoying. But these things will not ruin my mood. Actually, there isn't any to ruin. What's more I'm feeling sleepy - I guess I'll sleep away the rainy day and pray that when I wake up, the connection is better. Before that I'll talk about food! We went eating at Sakura again, this time at the Balestier Road outlet. It's quieter and the ambience is better (for a buffet place). I think the food must have been better too, since I ate more and was quite bloated. There's a few new stuff there, like baked scallops and oysters. But most importantly... There's new desserts!!!! <333333 From the left: Mochi stick, chocolate truffle, mango mousse☆, black forest, brownie...


娛百's Schedule this week: 6/13 (五) 林宥嘉 粉絲同樂會 6/14 (六) 蕭敬騰 我家也有大明星 6/15 (日) 黑澀會妹妹(舊妹VS新妹) 百分百大對抗 6/16 (一) 五熊 蔡育鵬 李妍瑾 Ben 百分百娛樂王 6/17 (二) 蕭敬騰 蔣榮宗 LIVE 6/18 (三) 林曉培 應采兒 LIVE 6/19 (四) 卓文萱 粉絲同樂會 6/20 (五) 林宥嘉 百分百聽證會 Work for today: Yuan Ching or Admiralty SS's E Maths Paper It's really unfortunate, but I didn't finish my English summaries yesterday! But, we finished one Chemistry worksheet and one E Maths paper yesterday! It's surprising - we only had 2 blanks for that Chemistry worksheet! Maybe there's a lot of mistakes, but we soooooorta knew how to do. The realisation of what "Hydrogen combines with this gas under special conditions" is (ammonia!) is whackass. In other news, got my hair cut yesterday...! It's not bad, really. Lately I've been eating a lot of chocolate waffles. Just yesterday, I ate another at Ang Mo Kio central's Prima Deli. It's tasty and has a pretty appearance, problem with it is that it's kinda soft? Best one's ...


ANYBAND is <3333333 ! Freaking love. There's Junsu (DBSK!), BoA and two person whom I didn't know before this - Tablo and Jin Bora. This Bora is a really good pianist (Jazz at that), so she doesn't sing (never, maybe?) most of the time. "Daydream"(in the video) and "Promise U" are my favourites. "TPL" isn't bad at all, too. Love Junsu's look in ANYBAND...but I still love Yunho. LOL. I'm not gonna talk about "T" today - I'm tired and there's something I want to watch. I'm supposed to be doing my English summary...but HECK! I'll chiong finish all of it tomorrow! Another homework chiong-ing session tomorrow with Pervee. And I'll be cutting my hair tomorrow! Yay? Boo? Tomorrow's Agenda: Finish the two Chemistry worksheets Finish the two English summaries Maybe a bit of E Maths past year papers(?)


What is wrong with you, Micky/Micky's hairstylist?! Whoever came up with this 古裝 hairstyle needs a reality check - it's 21st century, OK?! Poor you. On the other hand, if anybody needs a lead for their upcoming 古裝劇, there's a perfect candidate for ya. In other news...Went for my dental appointment today. Added some "tubes"(?) at the back of my mouth, which is super uncomfortable. I hope I get used to it soon. I also learned a new fact: Female doctors are rougher compared to male doctors (Pei Qi told me once that her guy doctor is really gentle). My doc, Enrica, needed consultation on what to do next and this old lady came in and jerked my mouth around. Rough sia! After that, felt like eating waffle, so Mum and I went down to Chinatown and get it! Super nice - the shape, crispiness and the taste - everything is good! But the DBSKing chocolate somehow dripped all over the place and next thing I know, my bag and my shirt tio-ed a lot of it. <___< Ass. Messy bus...


“I'm gonna 導く明日 only you その愛が 心を呼ぶ paradise baby listen to my heart 前に行くdestiny” ー東方神起 Cane = <333333 I love this opening for the "Five in the Black" tour! The tapping of the cane (YooChun) and dancing with it (Yunho) is serious love. Very reminiscent of BoA's "Make A Secret", which I loved (the song and choreography, too). Anyway, there is 天理! I've finally got my morning version of "T"! -pops confetti- Please trust me - we really did pop confetti...OK, chocolate confetti, I guess? Kinda lameshit so I shall not mention it, LOL. Even though we did get our albums, The Legendary Cross(TLC) wasn't found...! But I did find it at! It's here . Yesterday was fun! Sometimes I think I'm possessed. To be completed today: Chemistry Alkanes & Alkenes Worksheet また!


“昨日はまだ「サヨナラ」いえずに くすぶってる時間は むなしいだけさ” -東方神起 I'm back from the "Arise, Shine!" Concert. It's okay, I guess. Loved the dance and band performance - Or Cair must be glad. And she finally found a red tie! Had to leave early due to overly-worrisome parents but it's OK since the finale doesn't have much...except the dance, but it's OK. Anyway, before going to the concert, Dear2 and I went to Dhoby Ghaut and Vivocity! Ate Nutty Nutella and drank Seafood Bisque @ Saybons . Please don't think of dying before you've even eaten this - the dead people will wake you up. Like what Dear2 said, the Nutty Nutella is "sinful" - the chef slathers a lot of nutella onto the crepe, which makes it super nice! But please, unless you want to get sick/puke, do not eat too much (probably more than one) each time, trust me. The seafood bisque is really tasty too! There's another soup, the Wild Mushrooms(?) one - it's good too. Do visit Saybons at Plaza Singap...

Holiday Assignments

New posts below. ENGLISH English Oral Assignment [ONE] [TWO] English Comprehension [ ONE Summary] [ TWO Summary] (I don't have the third one!) MATHEMATICS Yuan Ching Sec E Maths '08 Mid-Year Paper 2 BNSS (What school?!) E Maths '08 Mid-Year Paper 2 Admiralty Secondary E Maths Paper 1 Jurong Secondary A Maths [Paper 1] [Paper 2] Admiralty Secondary A Maths [ Paper1 ] [Paper 2] Specimen [Paper 1] [Paper 2] CHEMISTRY Chemical Analysis Worksheet Alkanes & Alkenes Worksheet (Blanks to be filled) Past Year Papers [ ONE Blanks] [TWO] PHYSICS CHIJ Secondary '07 Prelim Paper ACS '07 Prelim Paper WTDBSK!!! Damn a lot! FIGHTING!


NOTE TO SELF: to get づ type du, not dzu. 4Shared and my keyboard are being difficult. 4Shared either refuses to load, giving me a freaking annoying error page, or loads very slowly. My keyboard refuses to respond to my commands, if you see any typos/words stuck together, you'll know WTDBSK happened. Went for lunch today at Toa Payoh's Suki Sushi/Sakura/whatever, the buffet one. I can't believe I feel bloated after eating so little - must be the cakes! Featured in the picture are the Mango Mousse and Oreo Cheesecake. I tried the Raspberry Cheesecake too, but it wasn't nice enough to make me take another serving. On the other hand, the Oreo cheesecake was good. The best is of course the Mango Mousse. I love it! In other news: I'm going to the "Arise, Shine!" concert. My poor Dear2 was sabo-ed(?) by a "nice(??)" friend who "helped(???)" her to collect the tickets from DuckieTang. If I don't go, she'll have to pay for the concert t...


“季節も時間も 追いかけてみよう ねぇ見てよほら 太陽が昇る淡い空” -东方神起 Yooo. OK. It's been a night and my English assignment has not entered the Errors folder, yet. I hope it never ever will! Must have confidence: IT DBSK-ing WON'T! In other news - I've changed my blogskin! Kinda sudden, since I didn't crap about a new skin beforehand. It's a BoA skin. I was going to use it on LiveJournal but the coding there is really hard and I'm not really into learning it so, there - it's used here. It's kinda pink, you might not like it but still...I don't like so much pink either. Let's switch our channel to... "Fu! Yeeha! Party, let's party, it's party time!" WTF?! I already like "Choosey Lover" a lot - this ust made me love it more. This is not the only funny video featuring DBSK on Ontama. The other one is the one my Chye Ja told me about, the "STAFFU?!~" video . Side note: watching videos on Veoh is better - the resolution is a lot higher and it...


6/07(六) 梁靜茹 古巨基 歌唱大賽 6/08(日) 模範棒棒堂 藝能發表會 6/09(一) 薛凱琪 張善為 小甜甜 吳忠明 百分百娛樂王 6/10(二) 蕭敬騰 百分百聽證會 6/11(三) 鄭中基 卓文萱 LIVE 6/12(四) 卓文萱 元若藍 郭彥均 小護士 百分百娛樂王 6/13(五) 林宥嘉 粉絲同樂會 This week's 娱百 schedule is DBSKing weird! Why the hell is 梁靜茹 attending the program with 古巨基? Even 卓文萱 too. Are they like, promoting some new show?? Well anyway, this week's schedule is the one I've been waiting for! There's Jam and Yoga! But shit it, Jam's on Tuesday, meaning it's gonna be aired in Singapore on Wednesday, which is the day I'm going to be very happy/sad. Shit it. Today's plan: Finish that English Oral thing Finish A Maths 19.4 (Holy crap I hope Ah Tan don't see this) I'm done with the picture part of the English assignment and will soon come up with the 6 questions, the DBSKing problem is the 350-word reading passage! I can't find a shit! <____< I guess I'll be writing it myself. Regarding the getting rejected part. I've got a back-up ready! But if I...


“失った理想 取り戻すはず 今夜は最終Caution 後戻りはしない” ー Koda Kumi feat. 东方神起 [ JaMiE ] Aja A: huh? still need say time meh? [ JaMiE ] Aja A: aft enmg mah? [ JaMiE ] Aja A: u ok bo? [ JaMiE ] Aja A: stm ar? [{ a.taraxia//;;: but only shirley chong got lesson what? [{ a.taraxia//;;: stm?? [ JaMiE ] Aja A: huh? [ JaMiE ] Aja A: wtf? [ JaMiE ] Aja A: u all dun hv? [{ a.taraxia//;;: LOL ya. [{ a.taraxia//;;: i think [ JaMiE ] Aja A: OMFG [ JaMiE ] Aja A: WTF [ JaMiE ] Aja A: HOW CAN THIS BE [ JaMiE ] Aja A: ITS NO FAIR [ JaMiE ] Aja A: HOW CAN [ JaMiE ] Aja A: ASS [ JaMiE ] Aja A: DARN [ JaMiE ] Aja A: NO WAY [ JaMiE ] Aja A: DBSK DBSK DBSK DBSK DBSK DBSK DBSK DBSK DBSK DBSK DBSK Why is my Chye Ja so DBSK-ing funny?! I really want to post the whole conversation here, but that's very overkill. BTW, I still don't know what's "stm"? Anyway, I'm really excited to do that English oral questions thing. I've got a totally wicked idea. It integrates my interest into my homework. I wonde...

Love in the Ice

“運命の悪戯 (心を痛めても) その涙の先には ひとすじの光が(闇の中舞い降りて) 僕らは気付くさ” ー东方神起 After watching their LIVE performance of the song at Dear2's blog, I'm in love with this song. LIVE is good. 好き! Today started off with some bad news. Ah Bai's threat made me feel that the whole day will be >[. What's worse, I feel very sad and sian-ed when I couldn't find DBSK's "T" album! Freaking pissed la! What the F! Was their album sales so freaking good that it sold out??! The only place that I found their album was at Bishan's Sembawang...BUT it wasn't the CD + 2DVD version that I wanted!! Pardon the childishness but BOOOOOOO! Due to Ah Bai's threat, Pervee and my plans were disrupted. We were really tired, so in the end, we didn't do a single piece of work! While slacking at Jubilee's Mos Burger, though, something kinda scary happened. This old man fell down and his head, which hit something, started bleeding. Don't worry, it wasn't the "freaking pool ...

Kiss したまま、さよなら

"長く続くこの道に 今はいない君へ Kissしたまま Goodbye . . . 記憶を滲んだ涙の数は 渇いていく僕の心 数えきれない 星のように" - 东方神起 Please listen to this song - it's really nice. Really. It's raining! I've finished one of the English comprehension only...! What's more the summary's not done. Haha. Shit. But it doesn't really matter now, does it? Since I'm gonna pon tomorrow's lesson. I shall finish it in due course, but for now, I'll be slacking! [Fangirl-ing] It's too cool to resist sharing. I'm sorry. Not really. [/Fangirl-ing] You know what? I realise that I'm jumping at the chance to blog not because anything interesting happened, it's just purely because I want to fangirl. This is crazy! ARGH! EDIT: OK, so I do have something to blog about afterall. Went for dinner at some Hong Kong eatery-style place, Pin Si. It's not nice. At all. I didn't eat much at all (and I couldn't, with the small servings they have). Everything was so-so, the only one which I enjo...


"我拉住时间 它却不理会 有没有别人 跟我一样很想被安慰" -孙燕姿 Annyeong! Today is another unfruitful day. Listening to Bigeastation doesn't count. I wanted to do my English comprehension worksheets, but my motto is "Procrastinate while you can!" (FTW!) so, obviously, the plan is stalled. A.Ha.Ha. OK so, Friday's coming! Meaning1: Only English lessons(OH NOES!)! and Meaning2: I have to finish my English comprehensions, seriously. Boo. TO DO! (MUST! By tomorrow!) English Comprehension 1 English Comprehension 2 "Crop" TOHO-spelling song out from podcast Easy feat, as long as I'm not distracted. -prays- Here's a reminder to my dear PCJ: Remember to bring "Moulin Rouge" DVD on Friday! This is super fangirl-ish but: Yunho.

愛せない 愛したい

I'm pissed. Why can't I install my printer?! WHY THE NUT?! Uncooperative computer, uncooperative Firefox - shit you all! Why I'm trying to install the printer? It's obvious, but there's something I want to print. It's holiday and I want to pick up a new skill - playing the piano - which Dear2 is very crazy about lately (LOL). So I need to print some scores but the freaking printer is as stubborn as ever. EDIT: IT'S INSTALLED! Whoots! So now it means I can finally try to play "DARKNESS EYES"! -wolf-whistles- I wanted to do that English Oral question thing today but since (I found out) the date due for the first assignment is on the 12th, I decided to ditch that plan. "Procrastinate while you can" is my motto. Time to watch 《Honey&Clover》now! Ciao!

Day Moon ~ハルダル~~

“夢かもしれない どうでもいいよ この世界があるだけで 傷跡さえ愛しくて 深みに もう いきたがる” - 东方神起 This week's schedule... 5/30 (五) 張鈞甯 彭于晏 鄭元暢 李國毅 百分百娛樂王 5/31 (六) 梁靜茹 百分百搶聽會 6/01 (日) 汪東城 唐禹哲 卓文萱 阿Ken 百分百娛樂王 6/02 (一) 小鬼 粉絲同樂會 6/03 (二) 蕭敬騰 LIVE 6/04 (三) 古巨基 薛凱琪 LIVE 6/05 (四) 郭靜 藝能發表會 6/06 (五) 黑澀會美眉(舊妹V.S新妹) 百分百大對抗 LOL, "舊妹V.S新妹"? Sounds like a good cat fight. Holy Mother told us that I had to go to that Singapore Poly visit alone because Dear2 wasn't chosen (too many people). I've already decided to pon. Sorry to the organiser. -bows- Was there some kind of "lucky draw"? If there is, WHY on freaking Earth am I chosen?! WHY? I am like, the world's suay-est normal teenager, can?! Or is this the suay part? Arggh. Pei-ed Dear2 to AMK Hub to get her shawls and ate at Mos Burger. Tried the Yakiniku rice burger - it's quite nice, so is the Apple soda. Went home...and that's when my boring day started. I don't know why I'm so suay (maybe it's just my suay-magnet or that Firefox ...


I'm crazy. 《翻滚吧!》&《蜂蜜幸運草》now! I guess I'll watch them on Youtube tomorrow - provided I'm not distracted. There's Extended lesson tomorrow (AGAIN!). Good thing there's a three day break between tomorrow's lesson and Friday's. doesn't make a difference at all. There's a hell load of homework and if I'm not wrong, that English Oral questions thing is due this week. Shit! Oh, so the three day break's for this. Yunho bless us. -prays-