Crazy Life
“天空まで昇るspiralの上” ーYunho from 東方神起 Something really freaky: Teenager killed by Six Flags roller coaster . I heard it on Channel 8's news just now. Damn WTF! The news report said that the teenager “被撞斷頭”. Yuck! Today's English paper was OK, I guess. My good friend was the setter for Paper 2 and it wasn't too hard, luckily. Paper 1 was kinda annoying. It's always annoying for me. I come up with a not-bad plot and then the ending sucks big time. Sheesh. After the papers today, went studying for SS at AMK library. Freaking uncomfortable there at first, because it was so quiet we had to whisper. Saw a few PHS peeps there. The SS Ten Year series seems rather helpful - I'll read it up later? Anyway, something really freaky happened while we were studying. This disgusting fly suddenly landed on the window sill next to me. I think it thought there wasn't glass, so it stupidly flew at it's highest speed possible and WHAMMMMed into the window. I found it twitching awkwa...