WTH...? It's a 风和日丽 + 凉风习习(?)afternoon, and I hear distant rumbling from the opposite of my HDB. What? It's going to rain elephants? Or maybe someone's really really deprived stomach? Talking. About. Food.

I want my Pepper Lunch onegaishimaaaaasu~!

I really want to end the post here, but I felt like talking about my boring day. It was only 1PM. I started getting bored watching "S, ZS" then decided to continue playing Atelier Iris 1 (Or Cair: Sorry ah! Can't lend you yet!)...which I got sick of in less than 30minutes. Then I decided to use my PSP at the computer desk, which resulted in me using the computer, which resulted in me typing this post >> me thinking about Pep Lunch >> me ranting about a boring day. See? I'm. Bored. And I can't believe I'm bored so early. It's not even HOLIDAYS, holy christ.

Lately I've been very tempted to go down to AMK Hub and get myself a copy of Xenosaga II...but,

(a) I'm lazy
(b) I might be glued too mcuh to the computer that I will forget the existence of PS2
(c) 女儿 and I have not gone on our spree - yet <___<

I seriously hope removing the stitches will mean easier eating. You cannot believe how record-time-slow I ate Long John Silver yesterday, f-ing torturous. The crispy crisps(??), which I love eating, is my most hated enemy because it keeps poking my expose gums. DUCK.

Duck...lovely substitute for fuck.


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