"記憶が星座のように" - WILL by Mika Nakashima.

OMG Finally. It's like meeting my long-lost love. This song, "WILL", is the ending theme to this Japanese drama called “天体观测”. I love the chorus (of the song). <333
And and! "雪の華" is the original which Joi Chua's "对不起,我爱你" is "adapted(?) from!
So, Mika Nakashima you rock so please make more meww-zaack(Translation: Music)!

Anyway, I read from Byakuya.Wordpress.com that "Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora" was nice, but fanservice overruns the humour and so, I dropped the damn show. What's more, the male lead doesn't look like a guy at all. When I read the summary of the show's plot and saw the pic, I thought the twist of the story would be "王子様わ女です?!?! O__O" But it turns out, he really is a GUY! HOMG. 晴天霹雳.

I guess Ghost Hunt is the best (for now). Argg, Nodame Cantabile isn't as good as the live-action version because the guys aren't fangirling material. -gets stoned- And it reminds me of Honey & Clover so much I want to re-watch that show! Good thing the manga's getting published in Singapore SOON! LIKE, HALLELUJAH!

Hope Chuangyi doesn't screw up with the printing. Seriously, their printing sucks.

OH DAMN. WTF. My monitor just black out thanks to my leg accidentally kicking the darn wire. Xia xi lang.


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