Go-Home Club Newsletter #2
Welcome to the second newsletter of Go Home Club - the club for people who are in love with their home or simply anti-social. No worries, we're not. Anti-social, I mean.
Anyway, Go Home Club is totally not school-certified and definitely and absolutely not goverment-accepted(?), so yea. Don't think anything thing as good as this can get you CCA points. No way.
OK, main things. Lately I've managed to "forced" 2 new people into my secret (not really) society and thigs are getting a bit complicated as to who gets to be the VicePresident of this wonderful club. - gets stoned- So, I need a few promotion criterias and new ranks. I'm, of course, keeping my creator+president position. Here's the new ranks:
1. President
2. Vice-President
3. Left-Hand Man
4. Right-Hand Man
Normal members: Nostomaniacs.
Anyway, let's skip this crap and go to the criterias/ways for promotion:
1. Pon your CCA!
Yea...I think that's all you can do...OK, the rule:
1. Don't be guilty after pon-ing your CCA
2. (lamer one still) GO HOME
OK, it's so lame I want to just delete this, but I shouldn't, 'cause I'm the darn President for goodness' sake!