A Fetish with Lap-Sak-Tangs

This post will be, I hope, an interesting way of expressing myself and the intangible anger that's flooding my heart's chamber, as well as telling you guys what those around me are in in love with, or, more theme-related-ly, have a fetish with.

(BTW! My latest word-fetish is with the word "fetish". What a pretty-sounding word. :])

Also, from Krys' 19/07/2006 tag, I realised that she suddenly had a fetish with the word "Lap Sak Tang" - which I very much reckon was introduced by Eddie. (The 1in<3withkrys, color="#9999ff">fetish is not very suitable for children to know.

Oh, and Lijia the Mushroom has a 恋大人癖, proven by her fetish with Mr Wee Wee Dry (hereafter known as WWD). Really, Mushroom, don't be so desperate la. <__<

My computer, for the last few days, had been having a fetish with the Lag-Bug.

And my teachers have a, regrettably, terribly hateful fetish with class tests, but I'm not that depressed since I managed to fill in all the 综合填空's words. I feel intelligent. LOL.

Yet, I'm really pissed at my Design & technology crating assignment's result - it sucks so much I thought I was dreaming. It was such a sucky design.

I officially hate crating.
Like, which bo liao person from a lightyear ago created this crazy method? Isn't free-hand a good enough method of drawing?
Oh...I know - this crazy peep has a fetish with crates so he decided to make everything fit into crates.
Please wake up, everyone! The crazy crate-fetished person will dominate the world; or maybe he/she'll make everyone be in love with crates that they start drawing people with the help of crates!!!! OH THE AGONY.

FETISH count: 9!


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