Falling Slowly

"You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won"
- Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova

It's been...145 days since I put up my current DBSK skin!

Woah, I didn't think it'll be that long - no, I guess if I said 4 months and blah blah days, it won't feel so long...No wait - actually, it does. No wonder JoongBo couple's 100 day wedding photoshoot came so fast. 100 days can be so short.

I really want to change my blogskin soon. I really love my skin, but it's been way too long - time for a change! I've already got the base (post/sidebar area) done, problem is the header. I'm hoping I can do a skin which can still look fresh with just a change of the header image. Hm, I think nobody gets what I'm saying, nevermind. Point is, it's either gonna be a DBSK one (again, I know! Haha!) or a "We Got Married!" one! I'm crazy, yea.

Speaking of "WGM!" I'm done with all the episodes, except the first 6, already. 

WHY did Andy and Solbi have to go?! 
LOL, I really can't describe my reluctance to see them go. They look so sweet on-show, I wish it was for real that they're married. I still watched the show since there's still Alex/Shin Ae, Crown J/In Young and (personal favourite and reason why I look forward to new episodes now) JoongBo couple.
But ever since AlShin left the drive to watch really decreased a lot. Though JoongBo's still around, I think my watching mood's affected by the fact that they're not staying for long - in fact only 2 episodes left! OMG, no more Hyun Joong's 4th-dimensionism and Hwang Bo's hysterical laughter?! ;_________;

The new couples are...boring. I think I might like Son Dam Bi and Marco, if Marco isn't so...$^%@#%. I dunno if saying that he's a playboy is true, but he seems so immature that when I'm watching them, I feel so annoyed seeing Dam Bi pissed at him throughout. Hwan Hee and Hwayobi have their share of funny moments, but they don't interest me.

Since DBSK's got nothing on (no[?] shows, not much activity), I decided to go be a part-time SS501 fan. I don't really like their songs (except for the newer ones, like "Deja Vu") but their shows are fun to watch! Although I feel they're not as close as DBSK, but they still do equally retarded things. Me like.

Deja Vu MV:


God I sound crazy. Love the ending - so cool! (That makes me want to add "Korean Restaurant" for some reason.)

Ciao, more SS501 videos. (OH WAIT! I've still got Yunho's "Quiz to Change the World"! Whoots!)


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