
"紅く染まる街で影を舗道に描いたふたりは何処に行ったの?" - ひとり, Mika Nakashima.

OK, so I lied. I said I was gonna post every single day, but guess what? I didn't!!! OK, lol, that was stupid. Ok, so what happened between the last post and now...?

Erm, jL, Krys and I, once again, went to Orchard 'cause jL and Krys had business at HMV while I had business at Kinokuniya. I wanted to get myself a copy of "New Moon" but damn, they only have the hardcover version which costs $32+-. So I decided to get myself "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold since a) Stephen King recommends it and b)Stephenie Meyer recommends it. Dumb enough reason? But nevermind. And heck, now I know why it's talking about a 14 year old girl but is shelved at Literature instead of Children (Can you believe it?! They think Young Adults are Children and Children are Young Adults!! Argg, I'll buy myself an ABC book someday. <__<)
Anyway, jL's business at HMV was to spend her $50-worth vouchers won for getting second place in our (school's) own talent-search, "Talent Track"! What a creative name. <__< Anyway, the good thing is jL can finally get some CDs which she wants! She got herself an English CD (it's a compilation of songs from bands), S.H.E's "Forever" 新歌+ 精选 Album and Mika Nakashima's "BEST"! Whoots, now I get to hear her sing Amazing Grace...and this other song called "Yuki no Hana", is it?
Well, moving on. Krys' business at HMV was to let HMV rip her money for a everytime-we-go-there's-either-none-or-left-one Frou Frou "Details" album which was like, what? $28?! Phew, lucky I'm not the hardcore, diehard fan, just the eh-lend-me, always-ripping-things-off-you friend. :D But then again, their songs are really pretty. Although, yeah, sometimes their lyrics don't connect with the next line and you're like, "errrrrrr?????"

BUT, Frou Frou's songs sometimes have this ethereal feeling. OK, so ethereal is not exactly something that can be felt - I think - but you get it, right?


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