Slacked the morning and will probably slack the afternoon away too. Watched《蜂蜜幸运草》and《6号出口》, the latter because there's 彭于晏. It's a rather WTF-at-times movie, but quite all right.
Going to watch《基因决定我爱你》now. Before that, I'm gonna backtrack to Friday.
Went home at around 10am halfway through school because I felt sick. Second time in my secondary school life - let's make a combo! Kinda sad that I couldn't watch "Made of Honour", but kinda glad too since I saved some money, haha!
Heard that the E Maths test was very killer...
SHIT LA. I just remembered there's Maths extended lesson tomorrow! -facepalm- And I still haven'tplay my PSP today! study for the test! And there's A Maths work to finish too. Slacker.
And there's Geography test on Wednesday! Chapter 8 to 14! Good thing it's Human Geog., where crapping will you there.
Forget it la. I shall play my PSP, do my A Maths, study for E and watch 娱百 - the movie can wait. This week's schedule...
5/23(五) 張鈞甯 彭于晏 蜂蜜幸運草影友會
5/24(六) 阿本 我家也有大明星
5/25(日) 吳忠明 葉瑋庭 張芯瑜 安鈞璨 百分百娛樂王
5/26(一) 棒棒堂 藝能發表會
5/27(二) 牛奶 LIVE
5/28(三) 范瑋琪 LIVE
5/29(四) 蘇打綠 粉絲同樂會
5/30(五) 張鈞甯 彭于晏 鄭元暢 李國毅 百分百娛樂王
I'm crazy. So there.
Going to watch《基因决定我爱你》now. Before that, I'm gonna backtrack to Friday.
Went home at around 10am halfway through school because I felt sick. Second time in my secondary school life - let's make a combo! Kinda sad that I couldn't watch "Made of Honour", but kinda glad too since I saved some money, haha!
Heard that the E Maths test was very killer...
SHIT LA. I just remembered there's Maths extended lesson tomorrow! -facepalm- And I still haven't
And there's Geography test on Wednesday! Chapter 8 to 14! Good thing it's Human Geog., where crapping will you there.
Forget it la. I shall play my PSP, do my A Maths, study for E and watch 娱百 - the movie can wait. This week's schedule...
5/23(五) 張鈞甯 彭于晏 蜂蜜幸運草影友會
5/24(六) 阿本 我家也有大明星
5/25(日) 吳忠明 葉瑋庭 張芯瑜 安鈞璨 百分百娛樂王
5/26(一) 棒棒堂 藝能發表會
5/27(二) 牛奶 LIVE
5/28(三) 范瑋琪 LIVE
5/29(四) 蘇打綠 粉絲同樂會
5/30(五) 張鈞甯 彭于晏 鄭元暢 李國毅 百分百娛樂王
I'm crazy. So there.