Title Editted! [091005, 12:55AM]

(Because the original song has a deeper meaning. "ハナムケのメロディー")

I'm feeling hyper lethargic.

I don't know why, but ever since school started, I've been feeling tired, so tired I need to take a nap when I get home. Last year was fine though - what the hell is happening?

I don't feel like going to school tomorrow! I'm down with the "bird flu". OK, not really. I just have a serious case of cold. All the mucus coming out my nose is bloody watery, YUCK! I know, but it's true. My head is airy-feeling too.

These two days, we(jL, Jolene, Lau Lau) had been practising a CNY Song, “招财进宝”. If we record it one day, perhaps I'll upload to esnips for everyone to hear.

Oh, our new Chinese teacher is now the 沙滩. She's a Stupid Sucky Slutty Shitface(SSSS) that deserves every bomb dropped to be dropped on her, and her only. She has slits for eyes and a face that is the spitting image of witches. People always say "人不可貌相”, but that doesn't apply to some people, and one of them is this SSSS. She has the face of her witch and her behaviour is as bad as one. She's an unreasonable bulldog(Lijia nickname for the 沙滩) that barks at anyone regardless. And we thought the Holy Mother was a Freaking Fat Fuck Face(FFFF)?! Oh no. No no no no no. The 沙滩 is worse - she's FFFF+FF= Freaking Fat Fugly Farting Fuck Face.

God, that's a mouthful. Talking about mouthfuls, 女儿 and I now have a longer 头衔:“终极默契十足超Suay招财进宝巴啦二人组”. A total of 17 words. We have totally attained the highest level of lameshitness.

I have a crazy obsession about collecting files.


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