自从知道《给我你的爱》MV中的男主角是大东,就恢复以前非常喜欢这首歌的……心情(?)。 “ 安琪: 你真的好过分,我以为你都不在乎我写给你的信。 大东: 我不知道该怎么写信给你,但你知道吗?我把背你的信,当成是一种…… 安琪: 什么? 大东: 爱你的方式。” - 终极一班, 第9集 我的妈,怎么那么sweeeeet?! OK, back to English channel. Or else Krystalle might complain about not being clever enough to understand. -奸笑- Had that retarded Community Problem-Solving shit again, today. A waste of my precious 终极一班-watching time! The teachers wanted to give us individual consultation, but my group was like, forgotten or something. I think Ms Seh wanted to give us the consultation but since she saw us using the computer viewing blogs etc, she decided to ignore us. Damn it. And so we sat around rotting, hoping that maybe if we get our consultation we'll be free...but obviously it wasn't that simple - we got our consultation but we were still trapped in that once-upon-a-time-wonderland computer lab. That CPS shit is a complicated thing. I'll skip it... I might not get to use the computer as frequently as I am now, 'cause my...