니가 좋은 이유

"다정한 미소, 섹시한 눈빛,
엉뚱한 얘기 날씨 바뀌듯 때론 짐작도 할 수 없어 yeah-"
- Super Junior

Going to noraebang tomorrow with my 女兒! =)=)=)
I've been waiting for this day for so damn long! ^^ Finally, we're going. Finally, but...

Why, why am I having a sore throat now?!
왜요! 왜!

And to add to the misfortune, DEAR2 has an ulcer plus she's feeling unwell since afternoon. What's wrong with the air in Funan Mall? It's getting us all sick! Sheesh.

School's starting soon in just 4 days! =(
A few months ago I was still getting all esctatic about the long vacation and now it's already ending. If I close my eyes and open them again, will I be graduating from Poly already? Whether it's a good thing I didn't find a (stable) part-time job or not, time will tell I guess.

I'm a little scared, but I hope I'll manage.
This time I'm all alone and it'll be I'll make it a good thing.

I should change the blogskin soon - it's so white. =/
Maybe I should do an emoshit black one. Yes, great idea. I hate the light. Bring me to the dark side.

It'll be OK! And "Get well soon!" Don't be so sad anymore - there must be a way! 힘네!

Cheer up! =)

나쁜 마음을 먹게해 / Fight the bad feeling.


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