Goodbye my love

What is wrong with the world, man?
We absolutely have no privacy in this shitheaded world.

From what I've read at various Singaporean anime blogs, Odex can get our personal information without goverment approval, so as to warn and fine the shit out of us. Not to mention scare.

And now, I'm at home, at the computer, wishing my paternal grandparents would just go home already so as I can watch my beloved "Darker than BLACK". Dude, I cannot use the computer as and when I want to, not to mention I can't even use my wake-up-early-@-like-7-am-to-use-the-computer trick. So please grant me some piracy, would'cha?! No wait, privacy is a right, not a priviledge for use right? So why am I asking?

This world is SO UNFAIR.
Don't tell me "now then you know?" 'cause I will sucker-punch you. Whatever a sucker-punch is.

I'm still gonna watch anime. Sue me.


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