2 days to the end of holidays.
2 days w/o the madness that comes with Uno.

Whaaaaaaaaat the hell.

And I just got a fugly and OMFGWTFBBQHALLELUJAH-ly short haircut. I should seriously stop going to salons that charge more than $10 but never does a job worth $20. I should just go back to that auntie at the first floor of some HDB block - the haircuts aren't special, but at least I won't go home, look myself in the mirror and go, "Fuck, what a waste of money."

I am like immune to bad grades and haircuts already. Like, the first time in primary school I got a B for a subject, I cried like I'm gonna die. When I first got a horrific haircut, I cried like I'm gonna kill somebody.

But, I'm. Over. Them. All.
Like woah, that was fast. Getting over bad grades/haircuts/etc, I mean.

Anyway. I still haven't finish my homework. I guess Ah Lim the Devil isn't called ALTD for nothing. I finished only her work, the rest are in Dreamland. No, Nightmareland.

This is like the first ever essay-long post my blog had ever seen. WTH. And this is only the 2nd day to school! Can you imagine what you'll see tomorrow?!

Anyway, I'm gonna check out WTH this "Live Earth: 070707" concert thingy is about. They're gonna stop at Japan!! Yea, baby.


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