Hide and Seek


Another rather interesting and boring day. It was interesting at first, but after the day reached it's crescendo (no idea where that is), everything went boring.

"Something interesting" Award goes to the bat which flew into our school, hung at the lights and when my gang friends and I went to check things out, it suddenly upped and flew away. What a scare it gave us. <__< Not to mention it's furry body makes it even more scary. At first, I even thought it's a moth!

Talking about moths, there's this chinese legend(?) which says that, when a person dies, he'll/she'll turn into a moth or something and fly to you, to represent bading farewell. Seriously man, if any moths come near me, whether you are Krystalle Teh's soul-possessed moth or not, you are dead meat. I will get all my insect-repelling/-torturing/-killing equipments out.

OK, I am cruel. But so what? You can't sue me even if I said "So sue me!" because you can't sue anyone for killing an insect!

Looks like I digressed. Whatever, I hads my say. Time for anime.


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