Scherzo for orchestra
OTFH. MY PHOTOSHOP CS CANNOT BE USED. I curse thee! -clears throat- Well, God knows why and I don't want to, but I want to use the program. OR ELSE I WILL SUFFER FROM WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS. OK, this week is the start of the End of Year Exams (EYEs)! -applaudes- Like, once the following 2 weeks of shit is over and done with, I'm a free man woman. But I'm kinda worried about not having enough time to clear all revisions. Well, Math is basically done and all, all that's left is Mensuration practices - the Algebra shit? Got it. I'm enlightened already. :] Main challenge is Science. Science is actually kinda fun but thanks to Mr Meatball, I have absolutely no idea how I can pass Science, I mean, OhMyGawd!! That fat arse did not even finish teaching Chapter 8! (That's not all!) So, tell me ye sages, am I dead meat or what?! History? Well, I'm kinda at peace with it, since I got a 15/19 for the latest Source-Based Questions class test. Ha, what a joke to be at peac...