Love Bug

I think I might fail Chemistry CT. Shit.
Hope not. :/

Today is FINALLY the last day of Common Tests. -wipes sweat-
To celebrate this grand occasion (imagine what will happen if O levels ended - we might have an O Levels-themed Chingay parade), we went to the fancy Knee(Ngee) Ann City where Pervee might splurge her husband's money one fine day when she becomes a tai-tai and ate at Seoul Garden.

Due to some unvoiced tradition of "must do something stupid at Seoul Garden", we fried ice cream, threw in a broccoli and an apple and added some dessert's 料. Dear screw-loose LaoPo suggested we play a game and the loser will eat one of the "delicacies". I thought, "ehh, maybe quite nice (Ice cream + apple!) leh!" so I was really game.

We played the simple O-Ya-Beh-Ya-Som+Roti Prata+Char-Kway-Teow version and the first to taste one of the delicacies, namely the apple, was LaoPo.
Of course being the suay kia that I am, I tio the second delicacy, the broccoli which absorbed a lot of chocolate ice cream. Eww, really. I thought a cold broccoli would taste OK, maybe nice, but hell it's like SHIT.

(Picture from LaoPo's blog)
The delicacies: (left) broccoli, (right) green apple.
Brown stuff: Fried/Melted chocolate ice cream
Invisible: dessert stuff like jelly, evaporated milk, etc.

SKCT will be really pissed with us people, playing around with food like this, but I am proud to announce in that bitch's face that we finished every bit of that disgusting broccoli. I bet she would've spit it out and sang a song.

Anyway, today was really fun - I even added another file to my collection.


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