Graduation, Again.

안녕. Hi there, dear blog.

Is it weird that I'm back again? After two freakin' years? Haha!

I'm pretty speechless and surprised, but thankful that I've remembered this old friend, this blog. And really, while today is a seemingly random day - not my 21st, not the day I got a boyfriend (still hasn't got one, btw) - it is still a unique day: the one and only 24th September 2014.

OK, I'll stop it.

Truth is, it's my graduation today. The day I become a degree holder! -pops champagne-

Aside from simply receiving paper recognition, you could say it's the day I officially step into the white-collared world. Where I'll be working a 9-to-6 job and responsibilities are manifold. I'm now, truly, an adult.

To be cliche and typically teenage, ohmaigawd that iz so frightening?! But honestly, throughout my whole degree course I've always been between school and work, so much so that I actually feel like my part-time job is full-time while my full-time studies is part-time. Though there were plenty of times I've questioned the reason I decided to take up a degree, at the end of the race, it was still worthwhile. Perhaps the things I'd expected to learn and what I've actually gained didn't add up, but it doesn't mean that the knowledge and experience I've gained were moot. The surprises may have caught me unaware and resulted in some resistence, but I'm glad I was open-minded and welcome to them because really, the world - not just the design I love - is always changing.

A few nights ago before I slept, this blog crossed my mind. And thinking back on what I've learned in Lasalle (about how extremely important Creative Process Journals are), I was pretty motivated to get back to writing. Stanley, the most awesome lecturer ever, had always told us that through writing, we can sort out our thoughts. And it is true. In a journal, a diary, there's no need to write academically, neither is there really a need to be correct, spelling-wise or grammatically. All that matters is our thoughts. If seeing is to thinking/speaking, then writing is equivalent to photos. What we see or speak/think might only last in that moment and forever buried in our subconsciousness, but when we write them down, it is concrete and almost, almost eternal.

So here I am. Reading my older posts and other blogs, I'm so glad I have these memories with me. I'll try my best to blog more often, either new stuff happening in the future or simply recollections of the past two years. I'm not sure where to start yet, but I think it's important that I end this post and start this new chapter of my life with this: Within the two years that I've been absent, I'm happy to announce that I've become a happier person.


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