"널 잊을거라고 goodbye 약속했지만 아직 널 보면 나 떨려 we got stay together 잠이 오질 않아 너도 나와 같은지" -2NE1 This song rocks. ♥♥♥ Typed the post on my way home today. My head kinda hurt after that, lol. Annyong! =) I’m currently on the bus typing this entry on the bus home after another of my fun (but sometimes sleep-inducing) Korean class. If you ask why I’m doing this on the bus it’s because I’ve never posted anything on the blog for a very long time!!! Even when something good happened. I’m turning into a A-plus pro at procrastination and it’s time to fix it with blogging! =D Omo, suddenly there’s so many NP people on the bus – isn’t it already 7.30PM++?? My quiet bus ride home is gone..! –sob sob- Oh well. Today’s class was sleep-inducing for the first part but it got interesting as Ms Cho made us learn vocab like “in front”, “behind”, “outside” by making us draw things in a bedroom. I know, I’m gonna scan my “room” in and upload it later! =3 Ms Cho told us she bought gifts from Korea – stickers ...