
Showing posts from November, 2023


Ignoring the fact that I haven't posted here for YEARS (totally skipping COVID-19, 3 job hops and the disbandment (AGAIN) of a boy band I truly loved???), rereading my blog posts made me realise how I've packaged my posts to seem so optimistic. I guess it's my subconscious being very aware of the fact that the blog (used to) has an audience; it was a public blog that sometimes I guess old friends who may still have my blog link could see. I honestly can't tell if I'm happier or worst than before, but these few weeks have been hard. The smallest things trigger me and my mood is extremely volatile. I write mostly (but still hardly) in my notion notebook instead since it's private, but when I get reminded of this blog the next time, I hope I am in a better state of mind.